
PA Day Activities

The Superior-Greenstone District School Board is pleased to provide the details of our upcoming Professional Activity (PA) Days with families.  Our schools have several PA Days during the school year.  During these days, students do not attend school, but schools remain open, as school staff focus on professional development.  

The Ministry of Education's regulation states that school boards must designate three (3) Ministry Directed PA days and may designate up to four (4) additional PA days per school year.  

Below are the PA Day activities that are happening for the 2023-2024 school year.  Details for each PA Day will be shared at least fourteen (14) days in advance of each scheduled date throughout the year.  

For general information about Professional Activity Days in Ontario, please visit the Ministry of Education's website at 

Please consult the School Year Calendar to view all PA Days for the 2023-2024 school year.   Staff can access their Professional Activity Day agendas through The Exchange (Intranet) or through email. 


Date:   June 10, 2024

Learning Delivery Methods:

In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

Length:  AM & PM

Topic of Focus: 

Report Card preparation/ Reporting to Parents / Ongoing Communication

Presenter/Facilitators:  School Administration


The activities of the PA Day will focus on assessment/ evaluation, report card preparation, reporting to parents and focus on student success/ school learning plans.  

Secondary level will focus on student success initiatives and credit rescue and credit recovery.  

Date:   April 19, 2024

Learning Delivery Methods:

In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

Length:  AM

Topic of Focus: 

Student Well-Being, Learning Recover Renewal through Indigenous Perspectives

Presenter/Facilitators:  All schools, hosted by 麻豆原创, Guest Speakers


The activities of the PA Day will be devoted to deepening our understanding around how we can nurture belonging and a stronger connection through the exploration of an Indigenous approach to quality learning environments and relevant competencies and skills. 

Length:  PM

Presenter/Facilitators:  All schools, hosted by 麻豆原创


The afternoon will be dedicated to school teams making the connection from the learning presented in the first portion of the day to their Student Achievement Plans, and to design next steps for implementation and monitoring.   

Date:   February 2, 2024

Learning Delivery Methods:

In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

Length:  AM & PM

Topic of Focus: 

Report Card preparation/ Reporting to Parents / Ongoing Communication

Presenter/Facilitators:  School Administration


The activities of the PA Day will focus on assessment/ evaluation, report card preparation, reporting to parents and focus on student success/ school learning plans.  

Secondary level will focus on student success initiatives and credit rescue and credit recovery.  



Date:   November 17, 2023

Learning Delivery Methods:

In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

Length:  AM

Topic of Focus: 

Student Well-Being and Academic Achievement:  Nurturing Student Mental Health and Well-Being in the Learning Environment

Presenter/Facilitators:  All Schools, hosted by 麻豆原创


The activities of the PA Day will be devoted to promoting mental health and well-being for staff and students in connection to the learning environment.  The PA Day activities will be presented in a menu for educators to select from based on their connection to the content. 

Length:   PM

Topic of Focus:

Board/School improvement planning for student achievement and well-being.

Presenter/Facilitators:  All Schools, hosted by 麻豆原创


The afternoon will be dedicated to school teams making the connection from the learning presented in the first portion of the day to their school learning plans, and to design next steps for implementation and monitoring.  School learning plans are grounded in ensuring equitable outcomes for all students. 



Schools Participating

Topic of Focus

Learning Delivery Methods

Content Description

October 27, 2023

Morning & Afternoon

All Schools (Hosted by Superior-Greenstone District School Board  Learning Recovery and Renewal:  Supporting student improvement in K-12 Mathematics and Reading/Writing through evidence based instructional approaches and alignment with curriculum In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

The PA Day activities for the first portion of the day will be focused deepening our understanding in relation to how our students are doing in literacy and mathematics and determining what else we need to understand in order to plan responsively.  Topics will include a focus on:

  • Using effective assessment tools (screeners, diagnostics, progress monitoring) to know where our students are at and to engage in responsive and intentional planning.  
  • Exploring evidence based programs and resources to support planning. 
  • Designing a structured literacy/math block. 
  • The roll of support staff (EAs, Librarians) in supporting students in learning to read. 
October 27, 2023


All Schools (Hosted by Superior-Greenstone District School Board) Board / School Improvement planning for student achievement and well-being In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

A portion of the afternoon will be dedicated to school teams making the connection from the learning presented in the first portion of the day to their school learning plans, and to design next steps for implementation and monitoring.  School learning plans are grounded in ensuring equitable outcomes for all students. 



Date Timing School(s) Participating Topic of Focus Learning Delivery Methods Content Description
Thursday, August 31, 2023 Full Day

All Schools (Hosted by Superior-Greenstone District School Board)

Morning:  Learning Recovery - Early Reading, Curriculum Implementation, Inclusive Spaces


Afternoon:  Learning Recovery - Effective assessment tools in reading and mathematics.  Learning Recovery - Student Mental Health and Well-Being.

In-Person School Teams/ Online delivery of learning, lectures/ independent learning & reflection

School teams will focus on reviewing the Ontario Human Rights Commission's Right to Read inquiry report, PPM 168 and the connections to the revised Language, Grades 1-8 curriculum and the new de-streamed English, Grade 9 courses.  Specifically, this session will require staff to make the connection between the Science and Reading, and how it connects to the revisions to the curriculum and the use of Universal Evidence Based Screening Tools.  A portion of the morning will also include a focus on how CRRP and UDL approaches support the creation of literacy block in which all students feel a sense of belonging.  This professional activity day will be facilitated and hosted by school board staff.  

High School Teams will focus on the use of student voice in the design of an Inclusive Classroom.  The session will also have a focus on the use of UDL and CRT in the destreamed classroom as a means of improving the overall experience for all students.  This professional learning session will be facilitated and hosted by School Board Staff.  Grade 7/8 will work on mental health modules.  

Friday, September 1, 2023 Full Day All Schools (Hosted by Superior-Greenstone District School Board)

Morning:  Student Well-being, School Safety and Violence Prevention


Afternoon:  School Safety

Lectures, hands-on exercise, group discussions and online independent work through WellNet

School teams will be focused on student mental health, well-being, and violence prevention.  This will include a focus on Occupational Health and Safety Training, centrally negotiated by the federations for violence prevention and violent incident reporting.  This professional learning will be facilitated by System Staff and School Principals.  In addition, Trendline, will lead School teams in a presentation on harassment in the workplace.  


The PA day will be focused on staff completion of school safety and incident prevention modules as centrally negotiated by the federations.